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Making Money Online Get That First Sale 7 Days From Now!

I knew almost nothing about making money online with internet marketing when I first started out. I had been given the boot by my employer and at the age of 50+ I knew it would be difficult to get another job. I had been interested in making money online for a long time and thought making money online would be better than a "normal" job anyway.

I started by downloading a few eBooks which promised to teach me how to make money online. I did a bit of research into a couple of the authors, read the eBooks from cover to cover and made my choice of which program to implement.

The program I chose had a well laid out plan spanning a 7 day period. All I had to do was start at Day 1 and follow through to Day 7 and I would be in business. Then just rinse and repeat as they say.

As I was relatively inexperienced in making money online some of the tasks in the program took longer than I expected and I found I was having to cut corners to maintain the schedule. I was determined to complete the program in the 7 days and then start over with a new program.

This is exactly what I did and after the first 7 days I was ready for the next 7 day program and I continued like this for several weeks. With the experience I was gaining the programs became easier to complete although I was wasting alot of time checking on my earlier programs each day to see if they had made me any money. Time that could have been better spent improving the quality of the program I was working on at the time.

Constantly checking my online campaigns didn't get the money in any faster. In fact after 3 weeks I still had nothing in my account. I had not sold a thing. All that work and nothing! So I carried on with "tweaking" my existing campaigns as my plan told me to while working on the new ones.

Hope of ever making a sale had almost died and I was even thinking about looking for a "real" job before my savings ran out. But I hung in there. Just like the plan said.

5 weeks into making money online I was about to shut down my computer when I thought I would just quickly check my affiliate account. I was almost blown away. After weeks of there being nothing but $0.00 in my account, staring back at me was $23.45. It was unreal. The feeling of seeing money there after all the time and effort was absolutely unbelievable. Indescribable even. "There must be a catch,Gucci Accessories," I thought.

Success with just one sale meant it was possible to make more and with that I knew making money online was not just possible but even I could do it,Ray Ban Outlet,Louis Vuitton Official Website!

So,ray ban predator, what did it take for me to get that first sale?

Focus. Focusing on and following the plan. No detours,if you are still struggling to make your first online dollar,other people can profit from selling information online,Learn How To Make Fast Money Online, no side trips,Louis Vuitton Canada,Searchingforideastomakemoneyonline, no distractions. Just focus on the plan, follow the plan and stick at it until you reap the rewards.

I am convinced however that getting that first sale would have been quicker had I concentrated more on the quality of campaigns I was producing instead of wasting precious time constantly looking to see how my published campaigns were doing.

If you want to make money online, my advice to you, for what it is worth, to get that first sale would be:

Investigate several online money making plans written by a few internet "gurus" first. Choose the one you feel would work for you and "stick" with it until the plan starts working or,Beats By Dre Studio, you decide to ditch it because it is not working.
Avoid at all costs trying to "mix and match" different "guru" plans or methods. Confusion will reign and you will end up making no progress.
FOCUS on your chosen plan. Follow it to the letter. Work at it diligently and you will, without a doubt,As more internet-based businesses continue to be established each day, reap the benefits.
ACTION. It is no good deciding on a plan of action without acting on it. Act on and you will be surprised by the results.

In summary it is all about FOCUS. Focusing on your plan to make money online will ensure you get that first sale.

