
Gay porn actor in Canada wanted for killing friend

Xeni Jardin at 5:57 pm Wednesday, May 30

Authorities in Canada are searching for 29-year-old Luka Rocco Magnotta, an adult film actor who appears on various websites featuring hardcore gay male porn. Magnotta is beleived to be the man responsible for killing a friend, videotaping and then publishing online video of the man's dismemberment, then mailing body parts to various addresses in Ottawa, including the ruling Conservative party's headquarters.

A human torso recently discovered in Montreal, and a human hand and foot mailed from Montreal to Ottawa, are all presumed to be connected to the killing.

In 2009, Magnotta (or someone using his name) published a blog post on "how to disappear completely and never be found."

From the Montreal Gazette:

In December of 2010, he appears to have posted his first (really coach outlet, really horrible) kitten video, followed by another one a year later. In March of this year, he appears to have launched a blog, entitled Necrophiliac Serial Killer Luka Magnotta, in which he confesses to a sexual desire for corpses.

Encyclopedia Dramatica has more on the kitten-killing videos.

Separately, the Gazette reports that police say Magnotta once dated lesbian serial sex killer Karla Homolka. Magnotta once denied this, long before he himself became a murder suspect.

A blog authored by "Luka Magnotta" on the erotic joys of cannibalism is right here (for as long as it lasts), and contains images and content that most people will find upsetting. An excerpt follows.

When I was a young child, I used to spend much of my time alone, either in the woods or in the local cemetery, where there was the grave of a 19 year old boy who died in the early half of last century. I felt close to that boy, and would pick flowers in the woods and take them to his grave.

In 2003, I discovered a mummified corpse of a young man in a vault, in a church where I was doing restoration work for a friend. I fell in love with him, and it broke my heart to seal him in there. I wanted to take him home and look after him.

I day dream about having him here with me. Silly ordinary things like watching TV together, listening to music, taking him out for picnics, watching a DVD late at night before taking him up to bed with me. All very ordinary things, apart from the fact that I want to do them with a desiccated or mummified corpse.

I don't have a problem attracting living men. I'm just naturally attracted to the dead. Some people never realize until its too late that excepting their feelings and not acting anymore is true freedom.

It's not cool to the world being a necrophiliac. It's bloody lonely. But I dont really care, I have never cared what people thought of me, most people are judgemental idiots. I'm unable to talk to anybody about it and there's always the knowledge that 99% of people would be repulsed by me if they found out about my feelings. Some people would even want to harm me.

Do I feel ashamed? never, but there's nothing but love in my heart for that man in the grave and the guy in the vault. I don't see myself as some creepy pervert. I'm just somebody who has feelings, real feelings, for dead men.

More: The Star. http://coachfactorystore-bag.weebly.com

